UNis keen to create partnerships with scientific institutions and networks. IN that sense, UN would like to explore possibilities of collaboration on the following areas:
- Microplastics management
- Waste management (domestic and industrial)
- Nanotechnologies
- Mercury management – formalization process in African Countries
UN specializes on training and capacity building and also support the development of legal instruments and legal framework related to the sound management of chemicals and waste.
At NMDC, Hyderabad Giving Presentation , At NMDC
Related to Microplastics, we would like to better understand the precursors of microplastics and what are the potential/ real effects of microplastics in humans, animals and the environment. Also, specific research on regions and countries can assist to obtain the political support and take effective measures to manage microplastics at the national level.
At the moment countries from the Gulf of Guinea have expressed their intentions to work on plastics and microplastics and to find alternative an affordable solutions to the problem.

Related to Waste Management, this is a global problem that relates to sustainability of cities and links social and economic aspects. We are keen to engage in the training and studies related to socio-economic aspects and circular economy. We have developed a guidance document to assist countries to formalize the informal sector in the Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining. Happy to explore possibilities to cooperate on the development of guidance and actions for the incorporation of the informal sector into the formal world or exploring possibilities to improve livelihoods in the poorest of the poor engaged in the waste management business. Target countries could be India, Sri Lanka (we have received a project proposal) and LDCs

Regarding nanotechnologies, UN started with OECD a number of awareness raising activities on nanotechnologies and manufactured nanomaterials, the workshops were regional and aimed at raise awareness of stakeholders on the potential danger of misuse of nano and the very preliminary study of opportunities to develop initial assessment of nano and legal instruments at the national level. Unfortunately funding for the projet ended, but there is still a need to further reinforce the regional and global capacity networking and further linking decision makers with nano experts in the region
Concerning mercury management, there is a great need to do more studies and work on the cooperatives of informal workers, training on alternatives, sustainable use of mercury and use of technologies as well as formalization processes would be of much help