Main objective is that to Disseminate the UN activities through offline and online system such as
- UN observance days and their related specialized agencies fostering info
- SDG’s implementation
- How to bring the research out comes to establish in the plat form of Multilateral agencies
- Cross learning, knowledge sharing on different Identified 24 streams
- Covering entire Andhra pradesh and Telangana youth community for their empowerment, community development and alternative lively hoods
- Preparedness on any disaster, climate change and enlighting the pressing issues and many under UNA AP& Telangana ,CGE and Icsti science for all
It is high time to disseminate the clear understanding of educating system to every community to produce the young early scientific research specialists on different domains to enable them to reach the heights of their life as world leaders. In this context our scientific work force moving towards an unique varsity. This Varsity shall function with the association of many related multi-later academic heads and the institutes.
Further we move to every school, college, universities, research institutions and the state, central and private bodies at the regions, sub regions and the nations, sub nations to share knowledge, and for cross learning in shaping of the better policies for the better life of people and to reserve the resources for our future generations .
These frame work practices shall be arrived from our upcoming corridors to arrive the cross country research analysis. The Mahanandi declaration shall stand to bring The Paris to Practical in establishing the achievements along with the challenges and opportunities with inclusiveness of UN global goals. The ways of Do’s and Dont’s shall reach the community for their development and especially for the young students internships on respective their core streams to enable them to get decent jobs at their dream fields
Appreciation article on Mr. Jayramulu, Secretary General, AP UNA published in a journal

Young Early Scientists
Our moments on the ground read and explain that how best we carried on disseminating the UN global goals. Further addressed at many platforms from the local schools, colleges, universities to international. During the period of our travel, we could find that most of the community is lacking with information.
UNA APT and science for all ICSTI and CGE India and Switzerland have initiated to be as informative body in the interest of the globe that how one can become the world leader with an YOUNG EARLY SCIENTIST capacity who can understand the Do’s and Don’ts while addressing at multilateral platforms with cross country research analysis
Model Certificate Given to The Participated Candidates On International Mother Earth Day

Model Certificate Given to The Participated Candidates On World Habitat Day

United Nations Association – Andhra Pradesh and Telangana (UNA-AP&T) – UNA VARSITY Location :