Jaya Ramulu Lingutla Chief Expert ambassador green Economy

Jaya Ramulu Lingutla Chief Expert ambassador green Economy Diplomatic Position and Secretary United Nations Association of India and Secretary general of United Nations Association of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

 is hails from a small village of Rayalaseema zone who has undergone many challenging days while serving the needy society and during his education days. But he did not look back irrespective any problem. In fact he has taken every problem is one opportunity. The same opportunity silence brought international exposure and personality.

He has traveled massively from the villages such as local bodies to multi later bodies and addressed at all platforms including BRICS  G 20 etc.

He and his team has selected the forestry area from the year 2000 such as Nallamla and vindyachal including eastern ghats While moving in these areas come to know many officer’s. Those officers interaction and their experiences added to his experiences, as such gained rich unimaginable capacity including the political troubles etc.

Jayaramulu Diplomatic Officer: How the politically gets problems and easily tackle them to serve the Society. In these situations he has got a caption that the going gets trouble and the trouble gets going with this caption we our team of volunteers have moved every location of this globe such as land scape, sea scape and hill scape. The massive moment has turned the table towards the serving the community that our aspirations your expectations in uplifting the community without disturbing the nature

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Spiritual Center

Faith community based plays vital role in following the SDG’s for implementation in line with a statement of our the then H.E. Secretary General UN Mr Kofi Annan

At Iskon Delhi Spiritual meeting with our Honorable Prime minister of India
Discussed how to bring and involve spiritual actions from Kanchi Kamakoti

Spirituality is an essential goal to be striven for by all. Spirituality is not an emanation from any religion, it is rather the developing of a mindset that teaches us to understand, and live in peace with, Nature and all life around us. It encourages us to question everything and to let reason  and rational logic guide us. It enjoins us to learn from our mistakes with out regret and to live in the present while being optimistic about the future. It unites us all and gives is an inner peace. Therefore spirituality makes us better citizens of the world and enables us to make the world a better place for all. As an old saying goes, – We are not human beings who go through a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings who go through a human experience.